Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Review Of OxyELITE PRO

What is OxyELITE PRO ?​

If you have yet to hear about OxyELITE PRO , you have GOT to check it out . OxyELITE PRO is a fat incineration thermogenic formula for fat burning and weight loss . Winning "Best Fat-Loss Product" 3 years and critically acclaimed at large .

What Does OxyELITE PRO claim to do ?

  • Accelerated Fat Loss
  • Heightened Energy Levels
  • Suppressed Appetite
  • ​Mood Enhancing and Feeling of Well Being
  • Enhanced Strength and Endurance during workouts

Why OxyELITE PRO works

Aside from all the wonderful effects OxyELITE PRO has to assist with weight loss , the ultimate reason why OxyELITE PRO is such a great weight loss product is due to it's compounds that has been proven to block off and deactivate the Alpha-2 Receptors .​​​

What's Alpha-2 Receptor ?​​

​​If you find it hard to burn fat from trouble spots like your abdominal , lower chest and buttocks , Alpha-2 Receptor is most probably the reason why . If your body's Alpha-2 Receptor decides it want to store fat , you're going to store fat and a lot of fat at that . Worst of all , in places you simply dread the most . Ever wondered why certain people have lean biceps but still have a bulge on their stomach ? Once your body's Apha-2 Receptor is activated , it holds on to fat in trouble spots with a vengeance. Not only that , it is extremely hard to find a way to deactivated said Alpha-2 Receptors . Until now .​By utilizing compounds proven to block off and deactivate the Alpha-2 Receptor , there is now a way to burn fat off your "trouble spots" fats and effectively at exactly whereyou would want fat loss to most occur . ​​​Are You telling me OxyELITE PRO is the only product that counters Alpha-2 Receptor ?
Not really . Most thermogenic fat burners in the market contain Yohimbine. While OxyELITE PRO contains Rauwolscine . Don't get me wrong . I'm not saying Yohimbine is bad or a wrong choice , I'm just saying Rauwalscine has been shown to be more effective in counteracting your body's Alpha-2 Receptors . Overall making OxyELITE PRO the preferred choice for individuals having trouble with stored fat in "trouble spots" .

My experience with OxyELITE PRO

I tested on an entire bottle (90 capsules) and I have to say I'm  impressed .

Fat loss

I started burning fat at an accelerated rate (2-3lbs a week up from a 1-1.5lbs) . The numbers declined as my BFP (Body Fat Percentage) dropped to single digits . Which is the fastest fat loss I've seen in my cutting phase .

Heightened Energy Levels

Day 1 with OxyELITE PRO , lethargy became non-existent . I usually feel rather lethargic just before I force myself to workout in the mornings . I am just getting used to waking up before 2pm . So I usually don't feel that great at 10 in the morning . Pop 2 of these bad boys 30-minutes before working out , and all of a sudden I feel like the flash for some reason . I LOVE the caffeine high . No crash or shakes either . Great !

Appetite Suppressant

I have been dieting way too long for something like this to matter . Didn't cross my mind at all . Maybe ? Yes ? No ? Can't tell you for sure here , sorry .Mood Enhancing and feeling of Well BeingDid I feel it ? Hell . Yes . I was so happy all the time , peers thought I was losing it . But I couldn't give a flying f*ck . I was too busy being happy about virtually anything . No crash , no downtime . I was that way 24/7 . Freakin' loved it .
Enhanced Strength and EnduranceYet another home run . I saw a drastic increase in performance for both cardiovascular endurance (Though I credit this more to the mental effects than the actual physical effects of OxyELITE PRO) and resistance training endurance (More reps per set) . Not much noticeable increases in strength however , should have tracked my progress more intently .

Cons of OxyELITE PRO

OxyELITE PRO is about $10 more expensive than majority of other fat loss supplements out there . However , this doesn't change the fact that it is the #13 most bought product on which is there are no thermogenic products above #13 . If you want quality you will just have to pay more .Things to note before purchasing OxyELITE PRO
OxyELITE PRO is a very strong caffeinated and thermogenic supplement . Do take note that certain individuals find it hard to get used to especially if your body isn't familiar to caffeine . If this is your first time trying out thermogenics , I would suggest that you try out the sample 10 capsules before committing to an entire bottle .Verdict : 9.5/10A most definite recommended product of AllThingsMuscle. It is a premium product that has been thoroughly thought through and tested . If weight loss is your goal , couple  OxyELITE PRO with a decent workout and diet regime to see maximum results with this product. 


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