Friday, January 17, 2014

BSN Hyper Shred Review

Wow , if I would have to say , Hyper Shred seriously stands out . For a thermogenic fat burner, it sure has little stimulants. So if you're looking to get wired out of your mind , maybe you shouldn't start here . However , what Hyper Shred lacks in stimulants , they sure compensate well .

What Hyper Shred Promotes
  • Boosts Metabolism
  • Enhance Weight Management
  • Improved Energy
  • Training and Mental Clarity
  • Increased Physical Performance
My thoughts on Hyper Shred
Hyper Shred seems to have been for users who do intensive exercise and have very restrictive diets . Hyper Shred comes loaded with B-Vitamins crucial to our to avoid nutritional deficiencies and to keep your metabolism going at and optimal rate . Restrictive diets plus intensive training usually means a deficit in certain vitamins your body requires to avoid diseases which Hyper Shred provides. Rarely seen in a fat burner. That's a big one for me. I wouldn't say the that Hyper Shred is just for weight loss. It's actually very well rounded. Providing the user with not only ingredients which aid weight loss, but also vitamins essential for anyone who does high intensity workouts regularly to prevent both diseases and injury which would otherwise hinder your progress drastically. Might this be the new era of fat burners? Maybe not everything is about getting wired out of your god damn mind ? If you are cutting , which most likely means intensive training plus an iron clad diet , you are bound to miss out a couple of essential nutrients necessary in your body to keep you going . For an overall goal of get shred . Hyper Shred really takes the cake . ​

Verdict : 9.6/10
Breakdown of Ingredients and Dosage 
Thiamine , also know as Vitamin B1 , is a water-soluble vitamin and an essential nutrient required in our daily diet . All living organisms use Thiamine , but it is synthesized only in bacteria , fungi and plants . A deficit of Thiamine in your body will lead to very serious complications . The major presentation of this deficiency is beriberi which affects both neurological and cardiovascular systems . As such , Thiamine represents an extremely important role in the concoction that is Hyper Shred . It supports energy utilization and metabolism . Though not really known for weight loss , Thiamine prevents water retention which might result in the user looking slightly more ripped .

Riboflavin plays a crucial role in the breakdown of fats , proteins and carbohydrates . As such , Riboflavin plays a central role in human metabolism . A capsule of Hyper Shred contains 1.5mg of Riboflavin which closely matches your body's daily requirement .
Niacinamide contains 11mg of B3 Vitamins also known as Nicotinic Acid . Like Thiamine , Niacin plays an important role of disease prevention . Niacin helps maintain cardiovascular health by improving your body's cholesterol levels . It also stimulates the adrenal glands to release more steroid hormones which in turn increase metabolism and promotes fat loss . It also helps decrease muscle fatigue and increases maximal muscle working capacity .
Pyidocine HCI plays 2 very important roles in Hyper Shred . Firstly , It helps the body improve cardiovascular health by reducing homocysteine levels and contribution to the syntheses of monoamine neurotransmitters such as dopamine , serotonin , epinephrine and noreprinephrine .

By improving cardiovascular health , the pyridoxine in Hyper Shred reduces the stress placed on the heart from intensive exercise meant to burn fat
By increasing neurotransmitter levels , pyridoxine improves mental focus and metabolism
Cyanocobalamin is a popular form of the vitamin B12 . Vitamin B12 is required for your nervous system to function normally . The deficit of Vitamin B12 in your body will cause fatigue , depression and even irreversible brain damage . This vitamin serves to maintain normal body functions while also keeping your cellular metabolism going as well as reducing fatigue and lowering the chance of depression .

DL-Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid which is added to Hyper Shred most likely for it's analgesic and antidepressant benefits . Phenylalanine can help improve mood , prevent fatigue which in turn assist it's user with added drive for weight loss
Chromium deficiency will lead to a reduction of glucose tolerance . Hence , Chromium assists in the body's ability to utilize glucose . It helps drive blood glucose into cells where it is needed for energy instead of the muscles where it would be stored as fat .

Caffeine causes weight loss by a variety of different mechanisms . First , it unlocks the excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain . By blocking adenosine , an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brains, it increases the activities of neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine .
These excitatory neurotransmitters improves both mental and physical exertion and so helps the body burn fat for energy .
Caffeine also increase the rate at which your body burns fat . It encourages the use of stored fat as energy instead of the stored glycogen . As such , it meets the body's energy requirements without depleting the body's source of glucose . It also stimulates the Central Nervous System , warding off fatigue , increasing alertness and energy levels .
Lastly , Caffeine has a diuretic effect which basically means the loss of excess , stored water in your body . Toxins stored in your body is also expelled due to this diuretic effect .
Bitter Orange Extract is commonly used in alternative medication for it's use as a stimulant and appetite suppressant . The Bitter Orange Extract in Hyper Shred contains 30% Synephrine . Synephrine has shown to promote weight loss through fat burning .
Red Pepper contains a compound known as Capsaicinoids of which , Capsaicin is the most important . Capsaicin increase body temperature by interacting with sensory neurons and is seen as an irritant . Capsaicin doesn't aid in fat loss , instead , doing something just as essential . It suppresses appetite while adjusting your body's preferred energy source from carbohydrates to fat .

Black Pepper contains Piperine . Though the weight loss capabilities are not impressive , I believe , has been for a different reason . Piperine has anti-inflammatory and anti- arthritic benefits in humans . Piperine supports the joints and prevents the intensive training to wear out muscles and joints .
Bacopa is a native herb of India used in Ayurvedic treatments and used in the treatment of ulcer , epilepsy , asthma , anemia , leprosy and inflammations . However , Bacopa has been added to Hyper Shred for it's ability to enhance memory and cognitive functions . Which means mental focus .
Toothed Club Moss is added because of it's active ingrdient , Huperzine A . Huperzine A is proven to provide benefits of supporting memory , learning and concentration .
Banaba Leaf contains a outstanding ingredient being Corosolic Acid . Corosolic Acid holds the ability to mimic insulin and reduce blood glucose levels / Additionally , Banaba helps control blood pressure as well as cholesterol levels while also serving as a analgesic .


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