Saturday, January 18, 2014

My Postworkout stack

In this post I will be covering what I deem after experience and research to be the ultimately best post workout supplement stack to consume. This post isn't some fu-fu hyped-up BS report trying to convince you to purchase product. It is proven by science and has been utilized by pro bodybuilders and athletes for decades. It is the exact supplement stack that I use, and thousands of experienced bodybuilders and athletes use. This stack will help you recover faster and help grow muscles faster. It is a stack of 3 main ingredients which are:
  • Fast digesting proteins
  • Fast digesting carbohydrates
  • Creatine
Let’s break it down.

Fast digesting protein

The consumption of protein post-workout is an essential tool to harness when you decide you want to pack on some lean muscle. At the end of an intense workout, your body will most likely be drained of nutrients and if left unchecked for too long, will lead your body into a “Catabolic State”. The definition of “Catabolic State” essentially means the burning of your muscles. And I’m pretty certain I don’t have to explain why that’s a bad thing. As such, it is extremely beneficial to immediately feed your body with protein. If you’re thinking of eating meats immediately post workout, I have to tell you, that isn’t the best idea. Firstly because of the fact that meats are slow digesting proteins and would take and average of 2-3 hours for your body to digest before it actually hits your blood stream. Secondly, who can eat immediately after a workout? That’s just painful.  The solution: Whey Protein.
It’s going back to basics. The best time to consume a protein shake is within a maximum of 30 minutes post workout. It is fast digesting, and comes loaded with a whole stack of essential amino acids that will aid the recovery and growth of your muscles. I recommend Gold Standard Whey Protein. It’s basic issue. It is the most renowned supplement in the fitness industry because it’s just plain and simple convenience and quality. It’s hard to go wrong here. Ideally you would consume 1-2 servings of protein post workout.

Fast Digesting Carbohydrates

Please do not mistake fast digesting carbohydrates for things like rice and potatoes. The carbohydrate we are talking about here, is sugar. Why sugar? Simple. Once again, your body is most likely thoroughly drained of nutrients post workout. By consuming sugar, you can will replenish your glycogen stores which will help you, once again, recover and build muscle faster. But what type of sugar really? If you’re thinking of simply adding table sugar into your post workout supplement stack, that’s actually fine. However, as always, there exists a better option. The faster you digest the sugars the better. As such, table sugar isn’t really the best option. Basing off the Glycemic Index(GI) which measures how quickly you digest your food, here are the Glycemic Index of table sugar and 2 better options. Side note: the higher the Glycemic Index, the faster it digests.

Table Sugar: Glycemic Index of 64
Glucose: Glycemic Index of 100
Maltodextrine: Glycemic Index of 105

As you can see, there are way better options than simple table sugar. Both options aren’t too expensive either.
The next inevitable question would be, how much? You can check out: Love Your Post Workout Carbs! which has calculator to determine for you how much carbbohydrates you would ideally consume post workout while also covering a lot more ground on the consumption of carbohydrates post-workout as well!


Now, clearly creatine is on the list. This articles is posted on after all. But this isn’t something that I threw in willy-nilly. Creatine is renowned for its benefits for athletes and bodybuilders alike. If you are still unclear about what Creatine can do for you, check out this post: Benefits of Creatine. And if you already know how Creatine can benefit you.

I hope this post has been helpful, if you have benefited from it, you can help us out by sharing this post or any post you like from our blog! Thanks!


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