Monday, January 20, 2014

Review of Grenade Thermo Detonator

​Grenade Thermo Detonator is a Advanced Thermogenics Formula Fat Loss Supplement mainly used for it's aid in fat loss and heightened energy levels . Given that that they spent so much money creating their product to shape like a grenade , I hope they had time working on what's actually in it . Let's take a look .

 What Grenade Thermo Detonator Promote​s

  • Fat Loss
  • Heightened Metabolism
  • Boost Of Energy
  • Heightened Concentration and Mental Focus
  • Suppressed Appetite

My thoughts on Grenade Thermo Detonator

Grenade Thermo Detonator seems to have a pretty standard line-up of ingredients for the effects they claim to deliver . However , the amount of certain ingredients is the reason why Grenade Thermo Detonator stands out . A massive 500mg of Green Tea Extract and 420mg of Bitter Orange Peel per serving has never been seen before. In my eyes, they focused on what would work definitively while also adding tons of safe ingredients that may or may not work depending solely on the individual. This is very ​ Overall , the energy levels provided by Grenade Thermo Detonator is actually really strong . While still focusing on weight loss , I believe they didn't do too bad. I would definitely recommend this product to individuals intend to use this supplement alongside physical activity. The energy levels provided from this supplement will definitely make your work outs not only more intense but hell of a lot more enjoyable. It is also important to note that this supplement is predominantly used as a pre-workout before excercise. As such I wouldn't recommend this product to indivuals who don't intend to consume alongside their workouts. If you're simply looking for something to consume that may help you to burn additional amounts of fat, I'd suggest straight up Green Tea Extract.

Grenade Thermo Detonator is available here!

​Breakdown of Ingredients and Dosage

​Green Tea Extract

​Green Tea Extract contains specific Polyphenols that have been scientifically proven to have significant physiological effects , including fat loss , improved physical performance , and the morderation of damaging cellular oxidation ( antioxidant effects ) . Of special interest however , would be the Catchine compund known as "Epigallocatechin gallate" or 'EGCG' , which in several studies , have been shown to be an extremely potent natural molecule that aids weight loss . The Green Tea Extract materials used in Grenade Thermo Detonator have been manufactured to have optimized levels of 'EGCG'

​Bitter Orange Extract

​Bitter Orange Extract is commonly used in alternative medication for it's use as a stimulant and appetite suppressant . The Bitter Orange Extract in Hyper Shred contains 30% Synephrine . Synephrine has shown to promote weight loss through fat burning .


Synephrine , which is a Sypathomimetic , meaning that it stimuates the hormones involved in the mobilization and oxidation (burning) of energy . Also , Synephrine has been specifically shown to enhance Lipolysis ( Breaking down of fat )

​N-methyltyramine and Tyramine

N-methyltyramine and Tyramine have the ability to release catecholamines , which are known to be the most powerful fat burning hormone in the human body . Octopamine is the N-methylated analogue of Synephrine and it also has the ability to stimulate lipolysis .


​Caffeine causes weight loss by a variety of different mechanisms . First , it unlocks the excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain . By blocking adenosine , an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brains, it increases the activities of neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine . These excitatory neurotransmitters improves both mental and physical exertion and so helps the body burn fat for energy .Caffeine also increase the rate at which your body burns fat . It encourages the use of stored fat as energy instead of the stored glycogen . As such , it meets the body's energy requirements without depleting the body's source of glucose . It also stimulates the Central Nervous System , warding off fatigue , increasing alertness and energy levels .Lastly , Caffeine has a diuretic effect which basically means the loss of excess , stored water in your body . Toxins stored in your body is also expelled due to this diuretic effect .

Grapefuit Seed Extract

Grapefuit Seed Extract or Dihydroxybergamottin , is known to prolong the effects of various compounds involved in the fat burning process.


Capsicum Annuum or Capsaicin , have been investigated by prominent weight loss scientist . They have determined that Capsaicin can both increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation (Fat Burning) so as to decrease the energy balance equation . This would , of course , be expected to reduce body fat levels .


​​Evodiamine is a plant extract that may help limit fat storage , support metabolism , and promote positive energy . Evodiamine supports body heat production and raises resting core temperature , increasing the calories and fat that are burned for energy . Evodiamine is also a mild diuretic .

Yohimbe Bark Extract

Yohimbe Bark Extract or Yohimbine was traditionally used to cure impotency , however research now shows that Yohimbine also increases the mobilization of fat and the secretion of fat-metabolising hormones in healthy males . Yohimbine is also known to block the body's Alpha-2 Andrenoreceptor , hance prolonging the metabolism of norepinephrine , the body's most potent fat-burning hormone .

​Rasberry Ketones

​Rasberry Ketones , when fed to rats , showed that the rats were more resistant to fat gain when fed with high-fat foods . Obviously , more research is neccersary in this area , however , considering there are no health hazards or side-effects related to the use of Rasberry Ketones , why not right ?


​Phenylalanine is a Amino Acid that raises the levels of a certain appetite-suppressing hormone called Cholecystokinin (CCK) which may also increase better mood and attention levels .

​Cocoa Bean Extract

​Cocoa Bean Extract , in addition to supporting good blood and antioxidant effects . It is suggested that cocoa flavanoids may improve insulin function that may be impacted by the metabolic syndrome and obesity .
B-phenethylamine HCI (B-PEA) is directly involved in the release of not only norepinephrine but also dopamine . Higher dopamine levels are associated with improved mood and concentration .

​Coleus Forskolii

Recently discussed on the Dr. Oz Show , Coleus Forskolli is an Indian Ayurvedic plant and a member of the mint family . Studies have shown to have significant changes in body fat mass as well as an increase in levels of testosterone .

​Yerba Mate Leaf

Yerba Mate Leaf is a favourite energy drink of many South Americans who consume it much like coffee . It has naturally high levels of xanthine stimulants that may increase metabolic rate and have other common stimulant effects .

​Dimethylaminoethanol ( DMAE )

Dimethylaminoethanol ( DMAE ) is a organic molecule best known for it's effects on alertness and mood and it may fuel neurotransmitter production in the body.

Grenade Thermo Detonator is available here!


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