Sunday, December 9, 2012

Types of Creatine

If you have read my post on Creatine : Why it's one of the most important supplements you'll ever need .
And have decided that you would indeed , like to start supplementing with Creatine . Here's all the types of Creatines out in the market and also my recommended type of creatine .

Creatine Monohydrate 

The most common and cheapest creatine product out in the market . Now , most would argue that creatine monohydrate is definitely the way to go , I would choose to differ for a couple of reasons .

  • Not very soluble in water (Like drinking water with bits of sand)
  • Low surface area . Which in turn means that your body will not be able to absorb a majority of the creatine that is ingested . Only approximately 1% of the creatine is absorbed into your system
  •  Certain people do not respond to this type of Creatine at all .
  • Though rare and only in extreme cases , reports of diarrhea and stomach discomfort because insoluble Creatine sits in the stomach attracting water .
  • Might causes a bloated feel in certain people ( me included) , which is an extra layer of water under the skin . 

Still , it is a great product to start with if you're not loaded (even though there are better options for not a lot more) . So I'm not saying it's downright stupid to take Creatine Monohydrate , I'm just saying you might not have the best of experiences . But if you were to look past all of the said problems , or for some , not face the problems stated above (very possible) then Creatine Monohydrate might just be for you .

Micronized Creatine 

Micronized Creatine is essentially creatine monohydrate , only it has been micronized , which kind of means it has been cut up , or made finer . This change increases its surface area 20 times , hence increasing absorption and minimizing the chance of bloatedness or diarrhea . There are still a few factors here . Being that Micronized Creatine is slightly more costly and requires intake for a slightly longer period of time before the effects of the Creatine come in to play 

Creatine Ethly Ester (CEE)

CEE is a creatine molecule with an ester attached. Normal creatine molecules are zwitterions, or molecules with one positive end and one negative end. This causes less absorption into the body.
However, the ester counteracts the charges and allows for almost 99% absorption into the body! This removes the need for a loading phase, and is THE MOST absorbent creatine by far yet!

Which for me , is the most important . I personally can look past slight stomach discomfort any day if the effects are worthy . There are still downsides though . The taste of CEE can be terrible ! But not really an issue considering that it can be bought in pill form . Another thing being that it is the most expensive amongst all its counterparts .

Though there are quiet a number of other types of Creatines in the market , these are the basic three and also the most reputable . The remainder seem to need a little more studies done before I jump the wagon . So make a choice and get yourself a creatine supplement and I assure you it is not a supplement you should NOT miss out on .



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