Sunday, December 9, 2012

Types of Protein Supplements

Choosing the right Protein Supplement can be immensely confusing . Especially if you're brand new to supplementation . And who actually knows what's the difference between Whey and Isolate and Casein anyway . Well I'm here to tell you its important that you know which is which to make sure that you get the right stuff best suited for your needs . So read on and make sure you understand each and every kind before making a purchase .

Most Common Protein Supplements .

 Whey Protein.
Whey proteins account for 20% of the protein in dairy. Whey protein is a by-product in the production of cheese. Initially thought of as just a waste product, whey protein is now the most popular protein supplementation protein source. It has a very high BV rating, and is rich in the muscle-building amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Whey protein is a fast digesting protein source, and isn’t filling. Whey protein is also low in glutamine and arginins the. But has more carbs than other alternatives . So Whey protein should be used more for bulking than cutting .

Whey Concentrate.
Whey Concentrate is a more cost-effective member of the whey family. It requires less processing time, but also contains more fat and lactose. Whey concentrate is 70 to 85% protein . Skinny people looking to bulk , I'm looking at you . This might be where you wanna start .

Whey Isolate.
Whey Isolate tend to be slightly more costly than Whey Protein . It is a higher quality protein source with a higher biological value (BV), and contains less fat and lactose per serving then whey concentrate . Whey Isolate generally contains 90 to 98%  protein, while Whey Concentrate contains 70 to 85% protein.

Whey Protein Blends.
Whey Protein Blends are specialized protein formulas that contain both whey Isolates and whey concentrates. Whey Protein Blends are generally more cost effective then whey isolate, and have a higher protein percentage ratio then whey concentrates.

Casein Protein.
Casein Protein accounts  for about  80% of the protein in milk. Casein Protein is a slow digesting protein that is isolated from milk. It is 92% protein, and has a very “thick” taste. As such it is generally favored by bodybuilders . Casein protein is more efficiently used to build muscle. Because casein protein is used by the body to build muscle, and less is used as a energy source, casein supplementation encourages the body to use carbs and stored fat for energy. Casein is also very high in the popular bodybuilding supplement glutamine . People trying to cut should definitely start here .

Other types of protein supplements
From this point on , the supplements were usually made available for people with extra needs and would otherwise never be able to benefit from protein supplements . Mostly made to counter situations like lactose intolerance and being vegetarian .

Egg Albumin.
Egg albumin is the egg white. It is popular in bodybuilding circles because of a higher essential to non-essential amino acid ratio, and because egg whites contain less cholesterol then egg yolks. Eggs are often considered the king of natural food proteins because of their high essential amino acids levels. Egg Protein is the best alternative for those that are lactose intolerant.

Soy Protein.
Soy Protein is high quality, but not as efficient as milk or Casein Protein . It is a fast digesting protein source that has an average amino acid profile. Because of this, it is not the most desirable protein source for those looking to build muscle. But , makes supplementation viable for vegans .

Soy Protein Isolate.
Soy Protein Isolate has a greater BV then regular Soy Protein , meaning that more of it is utilized by the body. But soy protein isolate is of lower quality then soy protein.

Goat Milk Protein.
No other protein source has a higher bio availability then Goat Milk Protein . In addition, goat milk protein is extremely high in BCAAs and is 100% lactose free. Its BV rating of 104 is superior to most foods, including eggs, which have a 100 BV.

Wheat Protein.
Wheat Protein  is a healthy and natural alternative to dairy and egg-based proteins. It is lactose and cholesterol free, and is perfect for vegetarian bodybuilders and athletes. Wheat Protein  is also very high is glutamic acid.

Pea Protein. Pea protein is a 100% gluten free protein source that is a great alternative for vegetarians. As with what protein , pea protein is lactose free and does not contain any cholesterol. It is very easy to digest and is rich in amino acids .

Complete Milk Protein.
Complete milk protein is the dried protein from milk, with the carbs and fat removed. Milk protein is nutritious, and contains calcium and high levels of other vitamins and minerals. Complete milk protein contains both whey and casein proteins.


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