Monday, January 20, 2014

Review of Grenade Thermo Detonator

​Grenade Thermo Detonator is a Advanced Thermogenics Formula Fat Loss Supplement mainly used for it's aid in fat loss and heightened energy levels . Given that that they spent so much money creating their product to shape like a grenade , I hope they had time working on what's actually in it . Let's take a look .

 What Grenade Thermo Detonator Promote​s

  • Fat Loss
  • Heightened Metabolism
  • Boost Of Energy
  • Heightened Concentration and Mental Focus
  • Suppressed Appetite

My thoughts on Grenade Thermo Detonator

Grenade Thermo Detonator seems to have a pretty standard line-up of ingredients for the effects they claim to deliver . However , the amount of certain ingredients is the reason why Grenade Thermo Detonator stands out . A massive 500mg of Green Tea Extract and 420mg of Bitter Orange Peel per serving has never been seen before. In my eyes, they focused on what would work definitively while also adding tons of safe ingredients that may or may not work depending solely on the individual. This is very ​ Overall , the energy levels provided by Grenade Thermo Detonator is actually really strong . While still focusing on weight loss , I believe they didn't do too bad. I would definitely recommend this product to individuals intend to use this supplement alongside physical activity. The energy levels provided from this supplement will definitely make your work outs not only more intense but hell of a lot more enjoyable. It is also important to note that this supplement is predominantly used as a pre-workout before excercise. As such I wouldn't recommend this product to indivuals who don't intend to consume alongside their workouts. If you're simply looking for something to consume that may help you to burn additional amounts of fat, I'd suggest straight up Green Tea Extract.

Grenade Thermo Detonator is available here!

​Breakdown of Ingredients and Dosage

​Green Tea Extract

​Green Tea Extract contains specific Polyphenols that have been scientifically proven to have significant physiological effects , including fat loss , improved physical performance , and the morderation of damaging cellular oxidation ( antioxidant effects ) . Of special interest however , would be the Catchine compund known as "Epigallocatechin gallate" or 'EGCG' , which in several studies , have been shown to be an extremely potent natural molecule that aids weight loss . The Green Tea Extract materials used in Grenade Thermo Detonator have been manufactured to have optimized levels of 'EGCG'

​Bitter Orange Extract

​Bitter Orange Extract is commonly used in alternative medication for it's use as a stimulant and appetite suppressant . The Bitter Orange Extract in Hyper Shred contains 30% Synephrine . Synephrine has shown to promote weight loss through fat burning .


Synephrine , which is a Sypathomimetic , meaning that it stimuates the hormones involved in the mobilization and oxidation (burning) of energy . Also , Synephrine has been specifically shown to enhance Lipolysis ( Breaking down of fat )

​N-methyltyramine and Tyramine

N-methyltyramine and Tyramine have the ability to release catecholamines , which are known to be the most powerful fat burning hormone in the human body . Octopamine is the N-methylated analogue of Synephrine and it also has the ability to stimulate lipolysis .


​Caffeine causes weight loss by a variety of different mechanisms . First , it unlocks the excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain . By blocking adenosine , an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brains, it increases the activities of neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine . These excitatory neurotransmitters improves both mental and physical exertion and so helps the body burn fat for energy .Caffeine also increase the rate at which your body burns fat . It encourages the use of stored fat as energy instead of the stored glycogen . As such , it meets the body's energy requirements without depleting the body's source of glucose . It also stimulates the Central Nervous System , warding off fatigue , increasing alertness and energy levels .Lastly , Caffeine has a diuretic effect which basically means the loss of excess , stored water in your body . Toxins stored in your body is also expelled due to this diuretic effect .

Grapefuit Seed Extract

Grapefuit Seed Extract or Dihydroxybergamottin , is known to prolong the effects of various compounds involved in the fat burning process.


Capsicum Annuum or Capsaicin , have been investigated by prominent weight loss scientist . They have determined that Capsaicin can both increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation (Fat Burning) so as to decrease the energy balance equation . This would , of course , be expected to reduce body fat levels .


​​Evodiamine is a plant extract that may help limit fat storage , support metabolism , and promote positive energy . Evodiamine supports body heat production and raises resting core temperature , increasing the calories and fat that are burned for energy . Evodiamine is also a mild diuretic .

Yohimbe Bark Extract

Yohimbe Bark Extract or Yohimbine was traditionally used to cure impotency , however research now shows that Yohimbine also increases the mobilization of fat and the secretion of fat-metabolising hormones in healthy males . Yohimbine is also known to block the body's Alpha-2 Andrenoreceptor , hance prolonging the metabolism of norepinephrine , the body's most potent fat-burning hormone .

​Rasberry Ketones

​Rasberry Ketones , when fed to rats , showed that the rats were more resistant to fat gain when fed with high-fat foods . Obviously , more research is neccersary in this area , however , considering there are no health hazards or side-effects related to the use of Rasberry Ketones , why not right ?


​Phenylalanine is a Amino Acid that raises the levels of a certain appetite-suppressing hormone called Cholecystokinin (CCK) which may also increase better mood and attention levels .

​Cocoa Bean Extract

​Cocoa Bean Extract , in addition to supporting good blood and antioxidant effects . It is suggested that cocoa flavanoids may improve insulin function that may be impacted by the metabolic syndrome and obesity .
B-phenethylamine HCI (B-PEA) is directly involved in the release of not only norepinephrine but also dopamine . Higher dopamine levels are associated with improved mood and concentration .

​Coleus Forskolii

Recently discussed on the Dr. Oz Show , Coleus Forskolli is an Indian Ayurvedic plant and a member of the mint family . Studies have shown to have significant changes in body fat mass as well as an increase in levels of testosterone .

​Yerba Mate Leaf

Yerba Mate Leaf is a favourite energy drink of many South Americans who consume it much like coffee . It has naturally high levels of xanthine stimulants that may increase metabolic rate and have other common stimulant effects .

​Dimethylaminoethanol ( DMAE )

Dimethylaminoethanol ( DMAE ) is a organic molecule best known for it's effects on alertness and mood and it may fuel neurotransmitter production in the body.

Grenade Thermo Detonator is available here!

Green Tea Fat Burners

In this I will be covering Green Tea Fat Burners and the different types of Green Tea weight loss supplements available in the market and also which is best suited for you. Firstly as I usually do, I’d like to acknowledge that the sheer amount of different products in the market when in search for a suitable Green Tea fat burner can be an extremely confusing and painful process which usually entails you trying a whole bunch of different type of Green Tea fat burners before ever finding one that you find works for you. So hopefully I can dispel some of these problems for you!

Types of Green Tea fat burners

Caffeinated Matrix Green Tea fat burner
As the title entails, this version of Green Tea intensive weight loss supplement contains high amounts of caffeine and EGCG. But what is ‘matrix’? Matrix is a term the fitness industry uses when they want to keep some of their ingredients unknown to the public. This can be a very concerning factor because some people feel it absolutely necessary to understand what they are consuming and that is completely understandable. The upside here is that though the term ‘matrix’ is used, all the ingredients included are FDA approved. The benefit of this kind of weight loss supplement is that they usually add a lot of different ingredients aside from just Green Tea which can aid with fat loss. So while you get to benefit from the same amount of EGCG, you also get a entire host of obscure ingredients that boasts weight loss properties as well. Sounds great right? Not so fast. Here are a few things that are note-worthy before purchasing these types of fat burners.
The presence of high amounts of caffeine, usually around 200-400mg depending on the brand (That’s about 2-3 cups of coffee), the use of such products have to be moderated extremely carefully. It is not something to take lightly. It is recommended that you cycle such products. The process is called caffeine cycling.
As such, Caffeinated Green Tea Fat Burners are really more suited to individuals who intend to do physical activities while consuming the supplement. The act of exercise helps the containment and release of the high amount of caffeine present. In fact, it will even boost the performance of these physical activities.
If you are interested in Caffeinated Green Tea Fat Burners, check out Thermo Grenade Detonator. I deem this to be an extremely efficient supplement for this category.

Green Tea Extract
Green Tea Extract is the suitable for virtually everyone. It is plain and simple with no added ingredients with the sole purpose of supplementing your body with high amounts of EGCG for the aid of weight loss and boosting of your metabolism. This is definitively the supplement I recommend more as it is suitable for just about anyone. When looking for the right type of Green Tea Extract, the important things to look out for are consistency and quality of the product. To check out my recommended Green Tea Extract, you can check out this article:Best Green Tea Extract.

Clearly there are many more variations than the ones mention here. However these are the only versions which were worth discussing in my opinion. If you have found this article interesting and informational, it would be of big help if you would share this with however you feel could benefit from this article! Thank you for your time!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Best Green Tea Extract For Weight Loss

In this post I will be covering which in my opinion, is the Best Green Tea Extract when you are trying to harness the effects of Green Tea for weight loss. Once again, this is the best green tea extract for me, and for the people that I know that take it. This post by no means puts this product on a pedestal as the best green tea extract in the world as voted by the world. This is just my opinion of which I will explain in detail why I chose this product specifically instead of the thousand other green tea extracts on the market. So here we go.

Firstly, I’d like to acknowledge a  very prevalent issue that we all face and is also relevant to this post. That being the fact that usually when you decide that you want to try a certain product, you will inevitably be bombarded with just hundreds and hundreds of the same product with a different brand. Clearly not all are the same. But I’d suggest you have a clear head before deciding which brand you’d like to purchase. The same applies when you try and purchase Green Tea Extract. There are so many variations people tend to end up picking the one which either has the best looking packaging, or the cheapest. However by doing so, you tend to lose out. So I am here to solve your problem with Green Tea Extract! So here it is.

best-green-tea-extract’s Green Tea Extract 

Introduction to’s Foundation Series
Here’s a little about’s Foundation Series before we go on the green tea extract and why I think it’s the best. I have been and currently use 4 different Foundation Series supplements. Being,
  1.’s Foundation Series : Micronized Creatine Monohydrate
  2.’s Foundation Series : CLA (Conjugated Lionic Acid)
  3.’s Foundation Series : L-Carnitine
  4.’s Foundation Series : Green Tea Extract’s Foundation Series to me, extremely top notch when it comes to supplements because of the fact that they are so no-nonsense about it. They don’t over-hype their supplements which a lot of what the sports supplements is. Sometimes about more than the quality of their product even. But definitely not in the case of’s Foundation Series. Every single one of their are simply about quality(In My Opinion).

Why’s Foundation Series : Green Tea Extract is the best.
When you look at the list of supplements above, you’d realize that all of these supplements work not because of which company they come from, not because they have some secret recipe to their mix. It’s simply because of the fact that we understand that consumption of these specific compounds elicit a desirable response in our body. So does it really matter which company it comes from? Or really even how well it is packaged? Not really.

So why is’s Foundation Series : Green Tea Extract better than the rest?
If all those factors don’t matter, what comes next? In my eyes its the trust of the quality. I have been taking’s Foundation Series supplements for so long, I trust them more than the water that comes out of my tap. The quality is always there.  Also, pricing. I don’t know why, but’s Foundation Series prices are always slightly lower than the competition. By this point, it’s seriously a no-brainer as why I always choose’s Foundation Series. Low cost , High quality. That’s all.

I hope I have helped you come to a well informed decision and if you’re interested,’s Foundation Series : Green Tea Extract Is Available Here!

My Postworkout stack

In this post I will be covering what I deem after experience and research to be the ultimately best post workout supplement stack to consume. This post isn't some fu-fu hyped-up BS report trying to convince you to purchase product. It is proven by science and has been utilized by pro bodybuilders and athletes for decades. It is the exact supplement stack that I use, and thousands of experienced bodybuilders and athletes use. This stack will help you recover faster and help grow muscles faster. It is a stack of 3 main ingredients which are:
  • Fast digesting proteins
  • Fast digesting carbohydrates
  • Creatine
Let’s break it down.

Fast digesting protein

The consumption of protein post-workout is an essential tool to harness when you decide you want to pack on some lean muscle. At the end of an intense workout, your body will most likely be drained of nutrients and if left unchecked for too long, will lead your body into a “Catabolic State”. The definition of “Catabolic State” essentially means the burning of your muscles. And I’m pretty certain I don’t have to explain why that’s a bad thing. As such, it is extremely beneficial to immediately feed your body with protein. If you’re thinking of eating meats immediately post workout, I have to tell you, that isn’t the best idea. Firstly because of the fact that meats are slow digesting proteins and would take and average of 2-3 hours for your body to digest before it actually hits your blood stream. Secondly, who can eat immediately after a workout? That’s just painful.  The solution: Whey Protein.
It’s going back to basics. The best time to consume a protein shake is within a maximum of 30 minutes post workout. It is fast digesting, and comes loaded with a whole stack of essential amino acids that will aid the recovery and growth of your muscles. I recommend Gold Standard Whey Protein. It’s basic issue. It is the most renowned supplement in the fitness industry because it’s just plain and simple convenience and quality. It’s hard to go wrong here. Ideally you would consume 1-2 servings of protein post workout.

Fast Digesting Carbohydrates

Please do not mistake fast digesting carbohydrates for things like rice and potatoes. The carbohydrate we are talking about here, is sugar. Why sugar? Simple. Once again, your body is most likely thoroughly drained of nutrients post workout. By consuming sugar, you can will replenish your glycogen stores which will help you, once again, recover and build muscle faster. But what type of sugar really? If you’re thinking of simply adding table sugar into your post workout supplement stack, that’s actually fine. However, as always, there exists a better option. The faster you digest the sugars the better. As such, table sugar isn’t really the best option. Basing off the Glycemic Index(GI) which measures how quickly you digest your food, here are the Glycemic Index of table sugar and 2 better options. Side note: the higher the Glycemic Index, the faster it digests.

Table Sugar: Glycemic Index of 64
Glucose: Glycemic Index of 100
Maltodextrine: Glycemic Index of 105

As you can see, there are way better options than simple table sugar. Both options aren’t too expensive either.
The next inevitable question would be, how much? You can check out: Love Your Post Workout Carbs! which has calculator to determine for you how much carbbohydrates you would ideally consume post workout while also covering a lot more ground on the consumption of carbohydrates post-workout as well!


Now, clearly creatine is on the list. This articles is posted on after all. But this isn’t something that I threw in willy-nilly. Creatine is renowned for its benefits for athletes and bodybuilders alike. If you are still unclear about what Creatine can do for you, check out this post: Benefits of Creatine. And if you already know how Creatine can benefit you.

I hope this post has been helpful, if you have benefited from it, you can help us out by sharing this post or any post you like from our blog! Thanks!

Friday, January 17, 2014

BSN Hyper Shred Review

Wow , if I would have to say , Hyper Shred seriously stands out . For a thermogenic fat burner, it sure has little stimulants. So if you're looking to get wired out of your mind , maybe you shouldn't start here . However , what Hyper Shred lacks in stimulants , they sure compensate well .

What Hyper Shred Promotes
  • Boosts Metabolism
  • Enhance Weight Management
  • Improved Energy
  • Training and Mental Clarity
  • Increased Physical Performance
My thoughts on Hyper Shred
Hyper Shred seems to have been for users who do intensive exercise and have very restrictive diets . Hyper Shred comes loaded with B-Vitamins crucial to our to avoid nutritional deficiencies and to keep your metabolism going at and optimal rate . Restrictive diets plus intensive training usually means a deficit in certain vitamins your body requires to avoid diseases which Hyper Shred provides. Rarely seen in a fat burner. That's a big one for me. I wouldn't say the that Hyper Shred is just for weight loss. It's actually very well rounded. Providing the user with not only ingredients which aid weight loss, but also vitamins essential for anyone who does high intensity workouts regularly to prevent both diseases and injury which would otherwise hinder your progress drastically. Might this be the new era of fat burners? Maybe not everything is about getting wired out of your god damn mind ? If you are cutting , which most likely means intensive training plus an iron clad diet , you are bound to miss out a couple of essential nutrients necessary in your body to keep you going . For an overall goal of get shred . Hyper Shred really takes the cake . ​

Verdict : 9.6/10
Breakdown of Ingredients and Dosage 
Thiamine , also know as Vitamin B1 , is a water-soluble vitamin and an essential nutrient required in our daily diet . All living organisms use Thiamine , but it is synthesized only in bacteria , fungi and plants . A deficit of Thiamine in your body will lead to very serious complications . The major presentation of this deficiency is beriberi which affects both neurological and cardiovascular systems . As such , Thiamine represents an extremely important role in the concoction that is Hyper Shred . It supports energy utilization and metabolism . Though not really known for weight loss , Thiamine prevents water retention which might result in the user looking slightly more ripped .

Riboflavin plays a crucial role in the breakdown of fats , proteins and carbohydrates . As such , Riboflavin plays a central role in human metabolism . A capsule of Hyper Shred contains 1.5mg of Riboflavin which closely matches your body's daily requirement .
Niacinamide contains 11mg of B3 Vitamins also known as Nicotinic Acid . Like Thiamine , Niacin plays an important role of disease prevention . Niacin helps maintain cardiovascular health by improving your body's cholesterol levels . It also stimulates the adrenal glands to release more steroid hormones which in turn increase metabolism and promotes fat loss . It also helps decrease muscle fatigue and increases maximal muscle working capacity .
Pyidocine HCI plays 2 very important roles in Hyper Shred . Firstly , It helps the body improve cardiovascular health by reducing homocysteine levels and contribution to the syntheses of monoamine neurotransmitters such as dopamine , serotonin , epinephrine and noreprinephrine .

By improving cardiovascular health , the pyridoxine in Hyper Shred reduces the stress placed on the heart from intensive exercise meant to burn fat
By increasing neurotransmitter levels , pyridoxine improves mental focus and metabolism
Cyanocobalamin is a popular form of the vitamin B12 . Vitamin B12 is required for your nervous system to function normally . The deficit of Vitamin B12 in your body will cause fatigue , depression and even irreversible brain damage . This vitamin serves to maintain normal body functions while also keeping your cellular metabolism going as well as reducing fatigue and lowering the chance of depression .

DL-Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid which is added to Hyper Shred most likely for it's analgesic and antidepressant benefits . Phenylalanine can help improve mood , prevent fatigue which in turn assist it's user with added drive for weight loss
Chromium deficiency will lead to a reduction of glucose tolerance . Hence , Chromium assists in the body's ability to utilize glucose . It helps drive blood glucose into cells where it is needed for energy instead of the muscles where it would be stored as fat .

Caffeine causes weight loss by a variety of different mechanisms . First , it unlocks the excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain . By blocking adenosine , an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brains, it increases the activities of neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine .
These excitatory neurotransmitters improves both mental and physical exertion and so helps the body burn fat for energy .
Caffeine also increase the rate at which your body burns fat . It encourages the use of stored fat as energy instead of the stored glycogen . As such , it meets the body's energy requirements without depleting the body's source of glucose . It also stimulates the Central Nervous System , warding off fatigue , increasing alertness and energy levels .
Lastly , Caffeine has a diuretic effect which basically means the loss of excess , stored water in your body . Toxins stored in your body is also expelled due to this diuretic effect .
Bitter Orange Extract is commonly used in alternative medication for it's use as a stimulant and appetite suppressant . The Bitter Orange Extract in Hyper Shred contains 30% Synephrine . Synephrine has shown to promote weight loss through fat burning .
Red Pepper contains a compound known as Capsaicinoids of which , Capsaicin is the most important . Capsaicin increase body temperature by interacting with sensory neurons and is seen as an irritant . Capsaicin doesn't aid in fat loss , instead , doing something just as essential . It suppresses appetite while adjusting your body's preferred energy source from carbohydrates to fat .

Black Pepper contains Piperine . Though the weight loss capabilities are not impressive , I believe , has been for a different reason . Piperine has anti-inflammatory and anti- arthritic benefits in humans . Piperine supports the joints and prevents the intensive training to wear out muscles and joints .
Bacopa is a native herb of India used in Ayurvedic treatments and used in the treatment of ulcer , epilepsy , asthma , anemia , leprosy and inflammations . However , Bacopa has been added to Hyper Shred for it's ability to enhance memory and cognitive functions . Which means mental focus .
Toothed Club Moss is added because of it's active ingrdient , Huperzine A . Huperzine A is proven to provide benefits of supporting memory , learning and concentration .
Banaba Leaf contains a outstanding ingredient being Corosolic Acid . Corosolic Acid holds the ability to mimic insulin and reduce blood glucose levels / Additionally , Banaba helps control blood pressure as well as cholesterol levels while also serving as a analgesic .

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Review Of OxyELITE PRO

What is OxyELITE PRO ?​

If you have yet to hear about OxyELITE PRO , you have GOT to check it out . OxyELITE PRO is a fat incineration thermogenic formula for fat burning and weight loss . Winning "Best Fat-Loss Product" 3 years and critically acclaimed at large .

What Does OxyELITE PRO claim to do ?

  • Accelerated Fat Loss
  • Heightened Energy Levels
  • Suppressed Appetite
  • ​Mood Enhancing and Feeling of Well Being
  • Enhanced Strength and Endurance during workouts

Why OxyELITE PRO works

Aside from all the wonderful effects OxyELITE PRO has to assist with weight loss , the ultimate reason why OxyELITE PRO is such a great weight loss product is due to it's compounds that has been proven to block off and deactivate the Alpha-2 Receptors .​​​

What's Alpha-2 Receptor ?​​

​​If you find it hard to burn fat from trouble spots like your abdominal , lower chest and buttocks , Alpha-2 Receptor is most probably the reason why . If your body's Alpha-2 Receptor decides it want to store fat , you're going to store fat and a lot of fat at that . Worst of all , in places you simply dread the most . Ever wondered why certain people have lean biceps but still have a bulge on their stomach ? Once your body's Apha-2 Receptor is activated , it holds on to fat in trouble spots with a vengeance. Not only that , it is extremely hard to find a way to deactivated said Alpha-2 Receptors . Until now .​By utilizing compounds proven to block off and deactivate the Alpha-2 Receptor , there is now a way to burn fat off your "trouble spots" fats and effectively at exactly whereyou would want fat loss to most occur . ​​​Are You telling me OxyELITE PRO is the only product that counters Alpha-2 Receptor ?
Not really . Most thermogenic fat burners in the market contain Yohimbine. While OxyELITE PRO contains Rauwolscine . Don't get me wrong . I'm not saying Yohimbine is bad or a wrong choice , I'm just saying Rauwalscine has been shown to be more effective in counteracting your body's Alpha-2 Receptors . Overall making OxyELITE PRO the preferred choice for individuals having trouble with stored fat in "trouble spots" .

My experience with OxyELITE PRO

I tested on an entire bottle (90 capsules) and I have to say I'm  impressed .

Fat loss

I started burning fat at an accelerated rate (2-3lbs a week up from a 1-1.5lbs) . The numbers declined as my BFP (Body Fat Percentage) dropped to single digits . Which is the fastest fat loss I've seen in my cutting phase .

Heightened Energy Levels

Day 1 with OxyELITE PRO , lethargy became non-existent . I usually feel rather lethargic just before I force myself to workout in the mornings . I am just getting used to waking up before 2pm . So I usually don't feel that great at 10 in the morning . Pop 2 of these bad boys 30-minutes before working out , and all of a sudden I feel like the flash for some reason . I LOVE the caffeine high . No crash or shakes either . Great !

Appetite Suppressant

I have been dieting way too long for something like this to matter . Didn't cross my mind at all . Maybe ? Yes ? No ? Can't tell you for sure here , sorry .Mood Enhancing and feeling of Well BeingDid I feel it ? Hell . Yes . I was so happy all the time , peers thought I was losing it . But I couldn't give a flying f*ck . I was too busy being happy about virtually anything . No crash , no downtime . I was that way 24/7 . Freakin' loved it .
Enhanced Strength and EnduranceYet another home run . I saw a drastic increase in performance for both cardiovascular endurance (Though I credit this more to the mental effects than the actual physical effects of OxyELITE PRO) and resistance training endurance (More reps per set) . Not much noticeable increases in strength however , should have tracked my progress more intently .

Cons of OxyELITE PRO

OxyELITE PRO is about $10 more expensive than majority of other fat loss supplements out there . However , this doesn't change the fact that it is the #13 most bought product on which is there are no thermogenic products above #13 . If you want quality you will just have to pay more .Things to note before purchasing OxyELITE PRO
OxyELITE PRO is a very strong caffeinated and thermogenic supplement . Do take note that certain individuals find it hard to get used to especially if your body isn't familiar to caffeine . If this is your first time trying out thermogenics , I would suggest that you try out the sample 10 capsules before committing to an entire bottle .Verdict : 9.5/10A most definite recommended product of AllThingsMuscle. It is a premium product that has been thoroughly thought through and tested . If weight loss is your goal , couple  OxyELITE PRO with a decent workout and diet regime to see maximum results with this product. 

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