Sunday, December 22, 2013

Drinking Green Tea For Weight Loss

Drinking Green Tea is scientifically proven to help you lose weight. Not only does it contain high levels of anti-oxidants, the Japanese swear by it, claiming that Green tea is 1 of the core reasons they have a life expectancy which way surpasses the rest of the world. Undoubtedly, it is one of the only sure-fire ways to aid weight loss without actually doing any exercise. However though the world and scientists alike seem to swear by the undeniable truth that it aids weight loss amongst a whole list of health benefits, I would like to bring to light the fact that it is to be used only as an aid and not a solution. 

How much Green Tea would you need to drink every day for you to effectively lose weight? The answer, though it varies from individual to individual, always seems to be around 60-70 extra calories burned per estimated 5 cups of Green Tea consumed daily. Which basically means you need to consume around 25-30 cups to burn off that extra Big Mac that you consumed. Let’s not even begin to broach the fact that you had a large fries and a coke alongside that Big Mac. Also let’s not forget that if you were able to down 25 cups of Green Tea, there would be so much caffeine in your system, you should have the ability to see sounds.

Don’t try and put a band-aid on an open head wound is my point. Regardless of how much Green Tea you consume, unless you have a full plan which doesn't just constitute of diet coke and green tea, don’t expect to see much results. Sorry for being a kill-joy, but it has to be said.

 However the amazing thing about your body is that the numbers that we humans like to believe so thoroughly don’t always compute close to the truth. Because aside from the EGCG that is present in Green Tea which is the main cause for the extra calories burnt, it also spikes your rate of metabolism. Which by no means are we even close to computing in numbers. Metabolism is the number 1 factor for individuals who simply “don’t get fat”.
The verdict, simple, drinking Green Tea to lose weight works. Period. But it isn’t any magical drink that will bring you to the promised six-pack heaven. Understand it’s fullest potential, and use it accordingly. Not to mention, not all assortments of Green Tea of effective if you’re trying to lose weight, you’re really only looking for a list of maybe 5 types of Green Tea that actually help you to lose any weight at all. However this post has dragged on a little longer than I would like, and if you like to find out what kinds are the best, check out this post :
Best Green Tea For Weight Loss

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