Sunday, December 9, 2012

Types of Creatine

If you have read my post on Creatine : Why it's one of the most important supplements you'll ever need .
And have decided that you would indeed , like to start supplementing with Creatine . Here's all the types of Creatines out in the market and also my recommended type of creatine .

Creatine Monohydrate 

The most common and cheapest creatine product out in the market . Now , most would argue that creatine monohydrate is definitely the way to go , I would choose to differ for a couple of reasons .

  • Not very soluble in water (Like drinking water with bits of sand)
  • Low surface area . Which in turn means that your body will not be able to absorb a majority of the creatine that is ingested . Only approximately 1% of the creatine is absorbed into your system
  •  Certain people do not respond to this type of Creatine at all .
  • Though rare and only in extreme cases , reports of diarrhea and stomach discomfort because insoluble Creatine sits in the stomach attracting water .
  • Might causes a bloated feel in certain people ( me included) , which is an extra layer of water under the skin . 

Still , it is a great product to start with if you're not loaded (even though there are better options for not a lot more) . So I'm not saying it's downright stupid to take Creatine Monohydrate , I'm just saying you might not have the best of experiences . But if you were to look past all of the said problems , or for some , not face the problems stated above (very possible) then Creatine Monohydrate might just be for you .

Micronized Creatine 

Micronized Creatine is essentially creatine monohydrate , only it has been micronized , which kind of means it has been cut up , or made finer . This change increases its surface area 20 times , hence increasing absorption and minimizing the chance of bloatedness or diarrhea . There are still a few factors here . Being that Micronized Creatine is slightly more costly and requires intake for a slightly longer period of time before the effects of the Creatine come in to play 

Creatine Ethly Ester (CEE)

CEE is a creatine molecule with an ester attached. Normal creatine molecules are zwitterions, or molecules with one positive end and one negative end. This causes less absorption into the body.
However, the ester counteracts the charges and allows for almost 99% absorption into the body! This removes the need for a loading phase, and is THE MOST absorbent creatine by far yet!

Which for me , is the most important . I personally can look past slight stomach discomfort any day if the effects are worthy . There are still downsides though . The taste of CEE can be terrible ! But not really an issue considering that it can be bought in pill form . Another thing being that it is the most expensive amongst all its counterparts .

Though there are quiet a number of other types of Creatines in the market , these are the basic three and also the most reputable . The remainder seem to need a little more studies done before I jump the wagon . So make a choice and get yourself a creatine supplement and I assure you it is not a supplement you should NOT miss out on .


Types of Protein Supplements

Choosing the right Protein Supplement can be immensely confusing . Especially if you're brand new to supplementation . And who actually knows what's the difference between Whey and Isolate and Casein anyway . Well I'm here to tell you its important that you know which is which to make sure that you get the right stuff best suited for your needs . So read on and make sure you understand each and every kind before making a purchase .

Most Common Protein Supplements .

 Whey Protein.
Whey proteins account for 20% of the protein in dairy. Whey protein is a by-product in the production of cheese. Initially thought of as just a waste product, whey protein is now the most popular protein supplementation protein source. It has a very high BV rating, and is rich in the muscle-building amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Whey protein is a fast digesting protein source, and isn’t filling. Whey protein is also low in glutamine and arginins the. But has more carbs than other alternatives . So Whey protein should be used more for bulking than cutting .

Whey Concentrate.
Whey Concentrate is a more cost-effective member of the whey family. It requires less processing time, but also contains more fat and lactose. Whey concentrate is 70 to 85% protein . Skinny people looking to bulk , I'm looking at you . This might be where you wanna start .

Whey Isolate.
Whey Isolate tend to be slightly more costly than Whey Protein . It is a higher quality protein source with a higher biological value (BV), and contains less fat and lactose per serving then whey concentrate . Whey Isolate generally contains 90 to 98%  protein, while Whey Concentrate contains 70 to 85% protein.

Whey Protein Blends.
Whey Protein Blends are specialized protein formulas that contain both whey Isolates and whey concentrates. Whey Protein Blends are generally more cost effective then whey isolate, and have a higher protein percentage ratio then whey concentrates.

Casein Protein.
Casein Protein accounts  for about  80% of the protein in milk. Casein Protein is a slow digesting protein that is isolated from milk. It is 92% protein, and has a very “thick” taste. As such it is generally favored by bodybuilders . Casein protein is more efficiently used to build muscle. Because casein protein is used by the body to build muscle, and less is used as a energy source, casein supplementation encourages the body to use carbs and stored fat for energy. Casein is also very high in the popular bodybuilding supplement glutamine . People trying to cut should definitely start here .

Other types of protein supplements
From this point on , the supplements were usually made available for people with extra needs and would otherwise never be able to benefit from protein supplements . Mostly made to counter situations like lactose intolerance and being vegetarian .

Egg Albumin.
Egg albumin is the egg white. It is popular in bodybuilding circles because of a higher essential to non-essential amino acid ratio, and because egg whites contain less cholesterol then egg yolks. Eggs are often considered the king of natural food proteins because of their high essential amino acids levels. Egg Protein is the best alternative for those that are lactose intolerant.

Soy Protein.
Soy Protein is high quality, but not as efficient as milk or Casein Protein . It is a fast digesting protein source that has an average amino acid profile. Because of this, it is not the most desirable protein source for those looking to build muscle. But , makes supplementation viable for vegans .

Soy Protein Isolate.
Soy Protein Isolate has a greater BV then regular Soy Protein , meaning that more of it is utilized by the body. But soy protein isolate is of lower quality then soy protein.

Goat Milk Protein.
No other protein source has a higher bio availability then Goat Milk Protein . In addition, goat milk protein is extremely high in BCAAs and is 100% lactose free. Its BV rating of 104 is superior to most foods, including eggs, which have a 100 BV.

Wheat Protein.
Wheat Protein  is a healthy and natural alternative to dairy and egg-based proteins. It is lactose and cholesterol free, and is perfect for vegetarian bodybuilders and athletes. Wheat Protein  is also very high is glutamic acid.

Pea Protein. Pea protein is a 100% gluten free protein source that is a great alternative for vegetarians. As with what protein , pea protein is lactose free and does not contain any cholesterol. It is very easy to digest and is rich in amino acids .

Complete Milk Protein.
Complete milk protein is the dried protein from milk, with the carbs and fat removed. Milk protein is nutritious, and contains calcium and high levels of other vitamins and minerals. Complete milk protein contains both whey and casein proteins.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Protein Supplements : For Maximum Muscle Growth .

Protein shakes , why take it if you could get it from your meals ? Aren't they super expensive ? These are very common questions asked when people hear or see that I take supplements . And the answer to both , will be explained why taking protein supplements maybe essential for the bulk of the folks out there , including me o. First of all , I'd like to say that protein supplementation can be taken for a variety of reasons and also a whole array of different proteins that do different things . Most people don't even know exactly what type of protein their taking and when they should take it . But today , we'll be focusing on supplementation for maximum muscle growth . Let's begin .

How and Why ?
Supplementing your body with the a high amount of protein at the right time will help with both muscle growth and muscle recovery . The most common way is to take a protein shake post-workout as your body , having just done strenuous exercise , will be in search of protein to aid in its growth and recovery . As such , in the first 30 minutes post-workout , a protein shake would be extremely helpful for your body's aim to be stronger and recover faster .

How Much Protein do I Need?

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for adults in the USA is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. This translates to approximately 0.36 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. For a 200 pound individual, the minimum RDA requirement is 72 grams of protein per day. For a 150 pound individual, the minimum RDA requirement is 54 grams of protein per day.
Those involved with intense exercise, or individuals looking to add muscle mass, should consume at least twice the RDA’s recommended minimums. It is generally advised that bodybuilders eat 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Another good guideline is to make sure that 20 to 40% of your daily calories come from protein sources.

1 to 1.5 Grams of Protein per Pound of Bodyweight.

Bodyweight – Grams of Protein Required
  • 125 pounds – 125 to 188 grams of protein
  • 150 pounds – 150 to 225 grams of protein
  • 175 pounds – 175 to 263 grams of protein
  • 200 pounds – 200 to 300 grams of protein
  • 225 pounds – 225 to 338 grams of protein
  • 250 pounds – 250 to 375 grams of protein
Now , a rule of thumb here at is that we really don't like promoting anything you can essentially get from your diet . Meaning to say , you shouldn't be wasting too much money buying supplements which you could easily get from your diet . Yet , Protein Supplements , in our eyes are still necessary  . Here are a few reasons why :

Extremely Convenient
Once purchased , I usually just pack them into plastic bags and wrap them with a rubber band and bring them everywhere I go . Also , they do not have to be refrigerated or cooked . And if you're like me , finding a healthy meal outside of home is a challenge enough , what's more find a place to meet my high protein needs ? Forget it . Food is out of the question for me .

Cost Effective
Even though the cost of a tub of protein usually is quiet daunting , in actuality , they are most definitely more cost effective than meat . Per scoop of protein , which is what is mostly what I use , would cost me less than half of what it would take for me to get the same amount of protein from a meat source .

Fast Digesting
Taking a protein supplement immediately after workout is very effective giving you and immediate surge of protein to be used in the 'Anabolic Window' that occurs when our body is triggered to begin repairing and rebuilding itself after a workout . Because fast digesting protein supplements can be absorbed faster than any meat , it is ideal for this time .

But don't rush to get a Protein Supplement just yet ! There are a whole array of different protein supplements that work differently . Make sure if you're looking for a fast digesting protein supplement .

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jack3d Micro Review : Why it's one of the best pre-workouts out there .

If you feel like you're hitting the gym and every once in awhile you feel like you could have done more , or you feel disappointed that you didn't max out , you don't stand alone . That's why a pre-workout supplement is really important . It makes sure that you're able to not only max out , but go beyond maxing out . Which in the long run , will be extremely beneficial towards reaching your goal be it to build muscle or burn fat . So today , I'm going to review , in my eyes , one of the best pre-workout supplements on the market right now .

USPLabs is probably one of the most influential companies in nutritional and sporting supplements out in the market right now . And it's mostly because a of their original flagship product 'Jack3d' that came out in early 2010. And recently , Jack3d Micro which just hit the shelves not too long ago . And even though the 2 share a common name , the only real ingredient that they share is caffeine. Which if you read my post on Caffeine , you'll know I love the use of caffeine , I find it extremely important. The 1st edition was extremely controversial due to certain ingredients (DMAA or 1,3 Dimethylamine) which led to it being banned from countries including and not limited to , Canada , New Zealand and Australia . The 1 ingredient , 1,3 Dimethylamine , cause certain jitters and altered moods in certain people . Even so , it was still an extremely popular product . So be certain to note that these 2 products are virtually different products . So essentially what USPLabs did was try to create the same level of use as Jack3d and to remove all the side effects . If you ask me , I say they did a pretty damn good job . So let's see why everybody's excited about Jack3d Micro.

Jack3d Micro Ingredients

First we will start with the ingredients. In order, the ingredients in Jack3d Micro are as follows:
  • L-Citrulline
  • Arginine Nitrate
  • Agmatine Sulfate
  • Caffeine (151 mg per serve)
  • Norcoline (Norcoclaurine Hydrochloride)
  • Grape Seed Extract
  • 3,4-Dihydroxycinnamic Acid
  • Food acids (300, 330)
  • Flavours
  • Silicon dioxide (551)
  • Sweeteners (955, 950)
  • Vegetable Stearate
Now here are a few proven benefits of using Jack3d Micro . Results may vary from person to person . If you ever feel uncomfortable using this or any other supplement , you should cease intake and consult your doctor first . Especially if you are very sensitive to caffeine .

  • Pump
    • Prominent and seems to come in pulsatile fashion over four to five hours
    • The post workout pump is something that will surprise many users
  • Strength/Performance
    • Strength/performance from 1st workout, not placebo
    • More sustainable performance than heavier stimulant based pre-workouts on the market
  • Endurance
    • Easily exceeding parameters of workouts in terms of time and short rest periods
    • Pump/NO effects seem to gradually increase at the 45 minute mark and beyond
  • Body Composition
    • Although it has only been a few days short of two weeks, slight changes in body composition are noticeable
    • Seems to induce more perspiration .
  • Stimulant
    • Quick acting, although not super hard hitting, which is preferred by many
    • Very even without a rapid increase or decrease in energy
 Now , this alone , should be enough to get anyone going . But what I liked about the original Jack3d was that it had Creatine in the mix which Jack3d Micro doesn't have . Technically not a bad thing , considering certain people would like the choice to have or not to have creatine in their pre-workout supplement . I personally feel , Jack3d Micro , plus an additional 5g of creatine monohydrate will make certain that you get the maximum out of your trip to the gym . So if you're looking for a pre-workout supplement or simply want to get the most out of your gym trip . Jack3d Micro is definitely the way to go . Try it once , and you'll never turn back .

There is 1 thing to note though , the use of Jack3d Micro should not be done over too long a period of time , and never back to back . If you abuse this product , you may suffer dearly by frying your Central Nervous System (CNS) . Here's a safe guideline .

  • Avoid using Jack3d Micro more than 4 times a week . 
  • Strictly follow the recommended amount . 
  • Immediately cease intake if you feel uncomfortable at all .

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Creatine : Why it's one of the most important supplements you'll ever need .

When you decide to start taking supplements , and decide to do a little research , you're bombarded all sorts of supplements from all sorts of companies for all sorts of benefits which will most likely leave your head spinning with no idea where to begin . Well , you should not buy into the hype of all of the crazy stuff on the market . Majority of the time , you can get most of the things marketed from your diet as is . Hence , your essentially would only want to spend money on supplements which your diet cannot provide . Which is surprisingly little . One of them would definitely be creatine .

What is Creatine ?
Creatine is a natural substance that turns into creatine phosphate in the body. The body produces some of the creatine it uses. It also comes from protein-rich foods such as meat or fish.  Creatine supplements are athletic aids used to increase high-intensity athletic performance. Researchers have known of the use of creatine as an energy source by skeletal muscles since the beginning of the 20th century. Creatine is naturally produced in the human body from amino acids primarily in the kidney and liver. It is transported in the blood for use by muscles.

Creatine is a supplement you should definitely not skip out on regardless if your aim is muscle building or fat loss . Creatine has no negative side-effects except for maybe water retention (which isn't really a bad thing ).

How does creatine help me when working out ?

Creatine doesn’t come into effect until we have used up all of our energy, but once it does, it gives us that edge to keep going. This is why athletes have begun supplementing with Creatine. Numerous double blind studies have shown that Creatine enhance muscle energy reserves and therefore improves performance in high intensity exercise.

Creatine enhances the body's capacity to perform high intensity work which assists in greater muscle size and performance gains as a result . Creatine phosphate is used to supply the type 11b muscle fibers with an immediate dose of energy ensuring that these muscles do not fatigue prematurely . This strengthens muscular contraction of these fibers which helps you to do more reps , sprint at a faster rate , or engage more forcefully in whatever sport or type of exercise they partake in . Supplementing your muscles with creatine allows the muscle to store more high-energy molecules to provide greater gains of strength and muscle . In fact , the absence of creatine , energy production during high-intensity bouts of exercise would not be possible . Supplemental creatine has been shown to further enhance this process . For people looking to build muscle , creatine is even more significant as it feeds explosive type 11b fibers , thereby increasing power output and subsequently , muscle size .

Certain people encounter slight discomfort in the form of feeling bloated when supplementing with creatine . This is actually a positive effect of creatine as what the bloating actually is ,  is that creatine allows your muscles to retain excess water to flush out byproducts and wastes from the breakdown of muscle (which naturally happens when you exercise ) . This , in turn helps improve recovery of your muscles . In a long term perspective, the quicker our muscles can recover, the faster they can grow and improve their efficiency in us exercising. What this means is more fat loss as our metabolism is increased from greater muscle density (that’s right , muscle uses up fat for energy!).

 Another important benefit for bodybuilders and strength athletes is creatine's muscle volumizing effect . Creatine has a property that cause muscle cells to inflate , which produces a more heavily muscled physique  , more importantly , serves as a stimulus for protein synthesis . Up to 6 pounds of add body weight is expected for the first few weeks of supplementing your body with creatine is common found and should be noted that the added weight is generally water . So do not get worked up if you suddenly gain a few pounds and think you're either seeing massive muscle gains or be demotivated thinking that you've put on extra weight .

Creatine might assist with the combating of diabetes , as it has been shown to improve glucose tolerance . Derave and co-researchers showed that supplemental creatine increased glucose transporter (glut-4) expression and muscle glycogen content while improving glucose tolerance in a previously immobilized limb . Since the study was conducted , it appears the reasons for the improvements in glucose tolerance were due to the increased expression of glucose transporter type 4 . It seems the expression of this transporter was actually induced by IGF-1 and IGF-2 , which are induced by regular intake of creatine . This means that even for people just looking a way to keep their diabetes in check , creatine seems the way to go .

Alas , this is but the tip of the iceberg as the full effects of creatine are not stated in this post as it would be too long . So now that you have decided that creatine might be something you would be interested in , there are still tons of different types of creatine in the market to choose from . So ,

Which creatine should I choose ?
I would recommend that you first look up my post on Type of Creatines before making and informed decision as to which type of creatine supplement you would choose .

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Benefits Of Caffeine For Physical Training And Fat Loss

Caffeine has recently become very popular with folks trying to lose weight or build muscle . They have started to come with pre-workout supplements or simply sold in pill form . But how much does caffeine help you really ? Be it whether you're trying to lose weight or build muscle , caffeine is definitely one of the things you would want to have in your arsenal . Here are a few reasons .

Fat loss
Caffeine increases free flowing fatty acids from your fat stores allowing you to access fat instead of carbohydrates or lean muscle for energy . Which basically means it will assist in fat loss while you work out .

The high ( related extremely closely to a adrenaline high ) which you get from caffeine greatly affects your endurance especially so with cardiovascular training or high intensity training . Essentially , when training , half of the battle is mental . Training with a caffeine high makes you feel a lot more energetic .

Because caffeine stimulates your central nervous system (CNS) , which increases the signals sent to the muscles .Hence allowing you to lift slightly heavier weights .

Increased Heart Rate
Increased heart rate , which in turn means better blood flow to your entire body , which helps with fat burning as well . Especially so for hard to burn areas like your lower abs and your love handles .

And lastly , concentration , which is relatively important to make sure you are keeping your form when lifting . This is especially helpful when you start to get worn out by high intensity training .

Though all of the benefits of caffeine for your workout is tremendous to say the least , caffeine should never be something your rely on completely or abuse . Overdoing caffeine will fry your central nervous system (CNS) . A good plan would be to cycle your caffeine as unlike drinking just coffee , using caffeine for physical training tends to mean way higher dosages of caffeine as compared to the caffeine present in coffee or tea . Hence , here are a few basic guidelines to follow to make sure you get the most out of a extremely useful drug .

Cycling Your Caffeine Intake
Try taking your caffeine , be it in pill form or in your pre-workout like Jack3d , in cycles of 1 month on 2 weeks off . This is just a guideline and should be adjusted according to your body . This is to make sure your body doesn't simply just build up a tolerance to caffeine . Certain people feel that the effect loses its potency after about 2 weeks , certain people 1 month .

Abusing of Caffeine
Restrict from taking high doses of caffeine too often . Taking high doses of  caffeine too often will most likely fry your central nervous system pretty badly . Not something to be taken lightly at all . A rough gauge of when is too much would be never to take more than 4 high doses of caffeine a week . Even that would not be advised .

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